What does the CLA Higher Education Licence permit?
The following information applies to both copyright licences for the Higher Education sector:
- Make copies from books, magazines, journals, and websites.
- Share copies with students and staff.
- Store copies on your intranet.
- From a book, copy up to one chapter or 10% of the total, whichever is greater.
- From a journal issue, copy up to two whole articles, or, in some cases, any number of articles – or 10%, whichever is the greater.
- Extend the value of the licence with access to the Digital Content Store and other CLA digital tools.
- Copy publications from the UK and international mandate publishers plus 42 international territories.
Make sure your organisation is protected
CLA is recognised by the government as the collective licensing body for the reuse of text and images from books, magazines, journals, and websites.
Higher Education Licence extensions
We have developed HE-specific extensions to the CLA HE licence tailored to the sector’s needs. Get more from the CLA Licence with the following extensions.
The Second Extract Permissions Service is our time-saving solution that allows customers to buy additional permissions on a pay-as-you-go basis.
Buy copyright fee-paid and high-quality outsourced scans using this streamlined document supply service provided by the British Library and CLA.
Existing users
If you are already registered to use EHESS or SEPS, you can access your account here.
Supporting tools
Useful links
Licence documents
Higher Education Licence support documents - including DCRF reporting documents and role guidance.
Included publishers
The list below shows UK digital material publishers that have opted-in to the Higher Education Licence
Keep up to date
Sign up for one of the CLA newsletters to keep up to date with the latest news and developments in your sector or across CLA.
Higher Education Licence FAQs
- 1 whole chapter from a book
- 2 whole articles from a magazine/journal issue (or any number of articles, see below)
- 1 whole scene from a play
- 1 whole paper from a set of conference proceedings
- 1 whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings
- 1 short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology