screenshot of the animated copyright course. Colleagues around a table

New Copyright Course and Companion Resource

Equip your team with essential copyright fundamentals and reduce compliance risks at your organisation. Introducing the CPD-certified course and resource, “Copyright in the Workplace”.

Discover the course

What we do

Protect. Inspire. Support.
  1. Provide blanket licences to protect against copyright infringement.
  2. Deliver quality resources to inspire learning and development.
  3. Support the creative ecosystem by helping you Copy, Right.

Government regulated

The Copyright Licensing Agency is regulated by the UK government as the collective licensing body for the reuse of text and images from books, journals, and magazines.

Empowering creativity

Our licences empower your organisation to share valuable published work which drives knowledge and ideas. By protecting your organisation from copyright infringement with a copyright licence, you also protect the rights of publishers, authors, and visual artists within the creative ecosystem.

Research, innovate, and create with peace of mind. Copy, Right.

Businesses & public bodies


Protected with a CLA licence

Education establishments


Protected with a CLA licence

Public sector organisations


Protected with a CLA licence


Our Business Licence provides a simple solution for copyright compliance, enabling you to research, collaborate, and create with peace of mind.

Discover how you can legally reuse content from millions of digital and print publications ranging from trade magazines to scientific journals and news websites, including articles from media monitoring services.


Our range of licences and services support teaching and learning across the UK education sector, including state-funded and independent schools, further education colleges, universities, and commercial language schools.

Learn how your institution can access and share content lawfully to educate the creators of tomorrow.

Public sector

Our licences and solutions provide essential support and peace of mind to the public sector, whether you are an NHS staff member, a local government worker, or a decision-maker in central government.

Discover how you can easily and legally access, reuse, and share content from millions of scientific, technical, and medical publications.


Our revenue is distributed to our member organisations who pay royalties directly to copyright owners – authors (ALCS), publishers (PLS), and visual artists (DACS & PICSEL).

Distributions to publishers and content creators in over 40 years of licensing
Distributions to publishers and content creators in 2021-22
Number of authors, publishers and visual artists eligible to receive UK licence fee distributions
Public Licensing Services
ALCS logo

What is copyright?

Learn more about copyright, copyright infringement and Intellectual Property.

Do you need a licence?

If anyone in your organisation copies, shares or prints published work, it's likely you need a copyright licence.

Keep up to date

Sign up for the CLA newsletter to keep up to date with the latest news and developments in your sector.

A selection of our customers

TANK logo
NHS Wales
NHS Scotland
Health and Social Care
English UK logo
scottish government logo
Oxford PharmaGenesis logo

Working in the health sciences arena it is essential that we respect and credit copyright ownership: having the CLA as a resource and advice centre helps us to do that efficiently.

Cate Foster
Senior Project Manager/Editor

The latest

Discover more about copyright and copyright licences in our latest featured articles, news and events.

Image of a group of people taking notes at a table, focused on their hands and notepads

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Copyright events


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