Find out more about the Further Education Licence coverage and how it can protect and support your organisation
If your school or college purchases or subscribes to a digital product like an e-book platform, that will usually come with a licence agreement - known as your primary licence agreement. Primary licences are issued by publishers and other providers, and the CLA Education Licence is designed to complement them. A primary licence might permit the making of copies. Make sure you check before copying as this can vary from publisher to publisher. You might want to copy under the CLA licence though, not the primary licence, perhaps because the CLA licence terms of 5% are more generous. Ultimately it is up to you which terms you copy under, the primary licence or CLA’s. Just remember that the material has to be included in our licence. Use the Check Permissions tool to confirm.
The exceptions to copyright only permit copying under limited circumstances and do not remove the need for a CLA Licence – they support teaching for example where a particular work is not covered under a licence or they allow minor uses, like sharing a few lines of text on an interactive whiteboard to illustrate a point.
The CLA Education Licence allows educational establishments to make photocopies and scans from a vast range of books, journals and magazines to create teaching resources for handouts, course packs, share copies on a VLE or send them as email attachments to your students. You can also copy and paste from digital publications. When making copies under the Licence, you do not need to seek direct permission from the copyright owner every time you want to make and share a copy.
Yes, absolutely – FE colleges can also take advantage of EHESS. CLA offer EHESS for Further Education in partnership with the British Library. This service allows you to order copyright-fee-paid (CFP) and scans from the British Library of chapters or articles that you don’t own. If you purchase a CFP copy, then your institution owns the material and it can sit in your library stock as any other purchase would. If the material is included in the CLA Licence, you are also covered to copy from the CFP copy as per the normal terms and conditions. (It is best to check whether an edition is covered for copying under the CLA Education Licence, using our Check Permissions tool on the CLA website before you place an order if you are planning to make copies later.)
You can also order scans from material that the college owns, if you don’t have the time or resources to make the scans yourself. All material supplied through this service is Digital Rights Management (DRM)-free so you can share the copies with students, the scans are of a high quality using preservation-standard workflow and they come with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and full meta-data as standard. You can find further information on EHESS for Further Education and download the application form on our website here.
Yes, FE colleges can also sign up and use the Education Platform and it is available at no additional cost to CLA Education Licensees. Just remember that the Education Platform is still in its beta version and has been designed first of all with schools in mind. While we work closely with publishers and continuously add new content to the Education Platform, some of the teaching resources that you may be looking for may not be available just yet.
If you’d like to find out more, please go to the Education Platform website where you can watch a quick demonstration video and sign up if you are interested.
EHESS is a means to purchase Copyright Fee Paid (CFP) copies or to outsource scanning of material your institution owns. This 48-hour service enables you to order unencrypted, high quality documents with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for various uses within your institution.
EHESS provides a way to purchase CFP copies, which can sit in your library stock and/or be copied under the CLA Education Licence. This differs from Library Privilege or Inter Library Loans—under these services, material is supplied but it cannot be used under the Licence, as your FEI does not own the content.