Find out more about Business Licence coverage and how it can protect your business
Your licence comes with valuable website republishing rights so you can post published articles and reviews from publications on your own website and benefit from the publicity of positive press and reviews or support your new product launch to give your business a boost.
Your licence allows you to post up to five articles (at any one time) per year on your own website from participating print magazines and publisher websites.
The licence fee is generally calculated according to the size of a company measured by the number of employees and the type of company with reference to the Standard Industry Classification (SIC) as categorised by the government Office for National Statistics.
Businesses employing up to 50 employees are subject to a flat annual fee based on the total employees of the business.
The annual fee for businesses with 1-10 total employees is £158.82 + VAT
The annual fee for businesses with 11-50 total employees is £543.11 + VAT
Rates for Businesses with 51 or more total employees are charged per professional employee and the SIC code of the main business activity.
Your licence provides cover to all employees but your Professional Employee figure (see below) more fairly represents the number of employees most likely to copy and share licensed material.
See our main rate card here.
‘Professional Employees’ include employees at managerial level and above, together with any other staff who have a professional or technical qualification directly related to their role e.g. qualified accountant, lawyer, HR professional.
This should include employees, contracted workers and consultants in the following categories based on the Standard Occupational Classifications published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS):
Group 1 Managers and Senior Officials
Group 2 Professional Occupations
Group 3 Associate Professional and Technical Occupations
From time to time you may make changes to your employee numbers, professional employee figures or your subsidiary companies. Our normal practice is to contact you 2 months before your renewal is due to ask you to review your account and tell us about any relevant changes.
However, if the person who normally deals with your licence changes, you should let us know as soon as possible by contacting us.
No. We only license published content on behalf of our members who represent authors, visual artists and publishers and we do not represent the social media accounts of individuals, companies and other organisations.
Your Media Monitoring Agency is covered under their CLA licence to send clippings to you, their clients. Under their licence, one person can receive a clipping, view it once, and print and retain a hard copy.
If you wish to have multiple user access or make multiple copies of media clippings this will require your business to hold your own CLA licence.
A licence is required if electronic/web clippings are accessed more than once, or by more than one employee, or if additional copies are made, forwarded, or digitally stored from clippings received electronically or in hard copy.