Medical and pharmaceutical sector

The Copyright Licensing Agency (CLA) carried out a survey in 2024 exploring how published content is used amongst UK professionals, offering insight into how professionals think and behave in context of content use and sharing*.

Here, we put a spotlight on the Healthcare & Pharmaceutical sector.

The highlights

of content used by medical & pharmaceutical professionals is digital or web-based

of medical & pharmaceutical professionals would go on to copy from the content they use

of medical & pharmaceutical professionals agree that infringing copyright is a risk to business

The pharmaceutical and medical communications industry relies heavily on the use and dissemination of scientific journals, research papers, medical reports, and other publications, all of which are protected by copyright.

Navigating this landscape of diverse content sources ethically while ensuring copyright compliance is of utmost importance.

*CLA conducted a survey with 1,041 professionals, of which 134 were professionals working in the medical and pharmaceutical sector.

The report

More information

Pharmaceutical Licence

Find out more about CLA's Pharmaceutical Licence and how your organisation could benefit from it.

Q&A with Leslie Lansman

Read our Q&A with Springer Nature’s Leslie Lansman: Ethical content sharing and the benefits of the CLA Pharmaceutical Licence.

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