Three components of NHS Licence Plus

The CLA’s NHS Licence Plus provides three valuable components to enhance the experience of NHS staff.

  1. Blanket cover for NHS staff – you don’t have to seek permission from copyright owners each time you copy, reuse or share content from publications at work.
  2. Pre-Paid credit allocation, providing free-at-point-of-use access to articles and chapters from the document delivery services of the British Library, Research Solutions and the Royal Society of Medicine (RSM).
  3. Access to our Licence Plus Document Delivery ordering service, (LPDD), providing streamlined access to articles from thousands of journals, usually delivered within seconds.

Benefits of CLA's Blanket Copying Licence

Some benefits of the CLA copyright licence include:

  • Provides blanket coverage across the NHS including hospices, GPs and consultants, enabling streamlined copyright compliance
  • Permits collaboration on projects and programmes with colleagues, government departments, local authorities, education and research organisations and businesses
  • Allows healthcare professionals to share print and digital copies with patients and their carers
  • Make copies from publications from the UK and 38 International territories
  • Store copies on a secure network
  • Coverage includes millions of publications including scientific and medical journals, technical reports, business books, and more
  • Copy up to one chapter or 5% of a book, and up to two articles from a single journal issue

Contact us for more information on how our annual copying licence can benefit your organisation.

Department of Health and Social Care
NHS Scotland
NHS Wales
Health and Social Care

Features of the LPDD tool

Our Licence Plus Document Delivery ordering service (LPDD) tool for NHS staff provides faster access to the information they need.

  • Access to tens of thousands of articles (contact your local NHS librarian for more details)
  • Clear article availability showing if it has been previously ordered
  • The unit counter shows how many articles remain from the annual allocation of credits
  • Fast ordering system and easy to use
  • Developed in partnership with Research Solutions

For more information, please contact us.

Supporting tools

CLA Check Permissions Tool
Check Permissions works for all, even if you don’t have a licence. Use it to check whether an article, book or website is covered by the CLA licence
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