Copyright compliance is not just a legal obligation, but an ethical one.

Virtually all published content from print or digital sources is protected by copyright. This means you must make sure you have permission to use it at work, or you could be infringing copyright law. Respecting copyright compliance and promoting responsible copyright practices sends a message of ethical and fair content use.

Image of colleagues collaborating in an office


Public sector organisations are protected with a CLA Licence

Get in touch

To enquire about a new CLA Licence, use the form below. Our specialist team will be happy to help.

How does the CLA Licence support Local Authorities?

As a blanket licence, the CLA Licence grants copyright permissions for the millions of published works within the CLA repertoire through a single licence. As a result, you won’t need to seek individual permissions from copyright owners each time you copy, supporting hassle-free compliance.

Minimises the reputational and financial risks associated with copyright infringement

Promotes responsible behaviour and governance across your organisation.

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Conveys a message of promoting fair business practices within your community.

Round icon green picture of time and money

Supports the creative economy by ensuring fair remuneration.

Empowering Local Authorities to leverage content

How can Local Authorities harness the power of published content whilst remaining copyright compliant?

Discover the ways in which UK professionals utilise content in their work. Boost collaboration across your Local Authority whilst minimising infringement risks.

Read it

Benefits of the CLA Licence for Local Authorities

The annual CLA Copyright Licence supports efficient content sharing and collaboration between teams, empowering learning and growth across your organisation.

  1. Share media coverage and press cuttings within your organisation
  2. Increase the value of existing publication subscriptions with copying permissions on key industry titles
  3. Store copies of content on a secure Intranet or central server for improved collaboration
  4. Make copies from publications from the UK and 39 International territories

FAQ article

Answers to the most frequently asked questions on CLA's Local Authority Licence.

Infringement case

Read about the Brighton and Hove City Council infringement case.

Top copied titles

Discover the top copied titles by Local Authorities covered under the CLA blanket licence.

Copyright Risk Assessment checklist

Do your colleagues copy or share content?

The act of making copies encompasses various actions such as sharing press cuttings, emailing article copies, taking screenshots of published content, uploading to a central server, and more.

Failing to obtain the necessary permissions often results in inadvertent copyright infringement. We’ve created a handy checklist to help you easily assess your copyright compliance at work.


Supporting tools

CLA Check Permissions Tool
Check Permissions works for all, even if you don’t have a licence. Use it to check whether an article, book or website is covered by the CLA licence
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