Photo of Ann Gravells on a navy background with the text "Copyright from an educational author’s perspective: Ann Gravells"

Copyright from an educational author’s perspective: Ann Gravells

June 19, 2024 By Rebecca Owen

Ann Gravells has been working in Further Education since 1983, and writing and editing books for SAGE since 2006.  She ...

Text "We are hugely grateful for the Copyright and Licensing Agency’s generous support. Over the year it enabled 1046 children to gain vital literacy skills." on a navy background with the The Children’s Literacy Charity logo

Transforming Futures: The impact of CLA’s Donation to The Children’s Literacy Charity

June 12, 2024 By Taylor Macdonald


The Copyright Licensing Agency generously donated to The Children’s Literacy Charity, enabling the support of 1,046 children in...
A photo of Leslie Lansman above the text: "Q&A with Springer Nature’s Leslie Lansman Ethical content sharing and the benefits of the CLA Pharmaceutical Licence"

Q&A with Springer Nature’s Leslie Lansman: Ethical content sharing and the benefits of the CLA Pharmaceutical Licence

June 6, 2024 By Rebecca Owen

The CLA Pharmaceutical Licence is a collective licence covering millions of works from thousands of publishers, permitting UK professionals working ...

Image of Sarah Johnson with the text "Navigating your Pharmaceutical Licence"

Navigating your Pharmaceutical Licence: Essential FAQs answered

June 3, 2024 By Sarah Johnson

CLA Head of Licensing, Sarah Johnson, answers the most frequently asked questions on the CLA Pharmaceutical Licence.

Here she covers ...

CLA Signs 44th Bilateral Agreement with Slovenia’s SAZOR at 2024 IFRRO Mid-Year Meetings

May 31, 2024 By Taylor Macdonald

We are pleased to announce that CLA has signed its 44th bilateral agreement with the Slovenian Reproduction Rights Organisation (RRO),...
Text "Support from CLA has helped bolster our work, directly supporting individual writers and campaigning for systemic change at policy level." on a navy background with the English PEN logo

Empowering Creators: The impact of CLA’s donation to English PEN

May 22, 2024 By Taylor Macdonald

At CLA we are committed to upholding fair compensation for creators and rightsholders while supporting the UK’s creative economy. As ...