CLA's role in the creative ecosystem

Over the past four decades, CLA has earned a reputation for excellence and innovation in rights and licensing, generating over £1.5bn in collective licensing revenues that have been distributed to over 200,000 authors, publishers, and visual artists. The work that CLA does is essential to the creative ecosystem.

CLA licences facilitate the efficient reuse of content by 12.7 million students and over 9.5 million employees in over 40,000 businesses, schools, and universities across the UK. With over 40 international agreements, CLA provides lawful and simple access to over 8 million print and online publications.

Act responsibly. Protect your organisation. Support creatives. Copy, Right.

Our vision

To become the provider of choice for rights, content, and licensing

Our mission

To help customers legally access, copy, and share the published content they need while also making sure that copyright owners are paid fair royalties for the use of their work

Copy, Right

Learn about our commitments, where our revenues go and our impact. 

Our values

CLA Values

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Serving content users

We offer a growing range of services to content users in the academic, professional, and public sectors.

• Our blanket licences allow customers to copy and share extracts such as book chapters, journal articles, and press cuttings without having to seek permission from copyright owners each time.

• Our Check Permissions tool enables customers to see if the title they want to copy is covered by their licence.

• Our digital tools and workflow solutions support the management and delivery of content to end users.

Paying copyright owners

We are a not-for-profit organisation, so our revenue is paid out as royalties to copyright owners.

We work with our customers to gather information about what is copied, so we can pay the authors, visual artists, and publishers whose work is used.

Royalty payments provide copyright owners with an income that helps them to continue to produce the quality content that customers want.

Our members

We’re a not-for-profit organisation so the revenue we receive from selling licences and services is paid as royalties to the collective rights organisations we represent.

The information we collect from our customers about what they are copying helps us to allocate royalties to the copyright owners whose work is being used.

We currently have 4 member organisations – the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) and Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS) – representing the rights of authors and publishers, respectively, and The Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) and PICSEL, who look after the rights of visual artists. We use information about what licensed content users copy, so we can pay royalties to these organisations who distribute the money to their members – the individual authors, visual artists, and publishers.

You can read more about our distribution model and our most recent annual distributions, in our Distribution Model Report.

ALCS logo

The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS) is a not-for-profit membership organisation run by writers, for writers.

Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS) provides rights management services to the publishing industry.

DACS logo

Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS) was established by artists for artists, DACS is a not-for-profit visual artists’ rights management organisation


The Picture Industry Collecting Society for Effective Licensing (PICSEL) is a brand new not-for-profit collecting society for pictures – established by rights holders for right holders

If you represent a Collective Management Organisation and are interested in adding your rights owners’ work to the CLA repertoire…

We accept, as members, CMOs that represent any relevant classes of rights owners.  CLA will open a window for any interested CMOs to apply for membership every January. For further information about joining please download the Membership Application Form or contact us.

Our board

Our Board comprises non-executive Directors nominated by the Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS), Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS), Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS), and Picture Industry Collecting Society for Effective Licensing (PISCEL) with an Independent Director and provision for additional appointments. All Directors must submit themselves for re-election at least every three years if they wish to continue serving and are considered by the Board to be eligible.

Board responsibilities

The Board meets five times a year and has set out a clear Schedule of Matters Reserved in order to ensure its overall control of our affairs. These include the determination of strategy, the approval of financial statements, any acquisitions and disposals, authority levels for expenditure, treasury policies and risk management. We provide insurance coverage and indemnities for Directors and officers. All new Directors attend an induction programme to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Group’s culture and operations. The programme will usually include an overview of the operations, Board processes, and meetings with our management team.


Jackie Freeman

Jackie joined the board in April 2023 and is the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee.

Jackie is a Chartered Accountant bringing over 30 years of commercial and third-sector experience having worked in the retail, hospitality and not-for-profit sectors.  She was formerly the Finance Director of PizzaExpress and her last senior appointment was as Executive Director of Corporate Services for the Charity Marie Curie. In that role, she had responsibility for IT, HR, Legal and Governance, Property and Procurement in addition to Finance.

Jackie is a trustee of Age UK and The Roundhouse Trust and chairs their Finance, Risk and Audit and Business Audit and Risk committees respectively. She was formerly Chair of the Finance and Risk Committee for Shape Arts.

Jackie now combines her governance roles with working as a portfolio CFO in both the commercial and not-for-profit sectors, helping SME businesses grow and develop.

Board committees

The Board governs through a number of statutory Board Committees – the Audit and Risk, Remuneration and Nominations Committees – to which certain responsibilities and duties may be delegated. These Committees are properly authorised under our constitution to take decisions and act on behalf of the Board within the parameters laid down by the Board. The Board is kept fully informed of the work of these Committees, and any issues requiring resolution will be referred to the full Board as appropriate.

Audit and Risk


People and Remuneration

Our executive leadership team

Photo of Tony Johnson

Tony Johnson

Tony Johnson joined CLA in April 2021 as Chief Technology Officer, subsequently assuming the expanded role of Chief Operating Officer in February 2023.  As COO at CLA, Tony is responsible for devising and leading the Operational, Technology and Data strategies, whilst championing a culture of continuous improvement across the organisation.

Prior to joining CLA, Tony gained over 20 years experience operating in senior technology leadership roles across the retail and media sectors. Most recently, he was Senior Vice President, International IT at 20th Century Fox, where he oversaw the digital transformation of Fox’s international sales, marketing and distribution businesses.

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