Photocopying Scanning Digital Material

Your CLA Education Licence allows you to photocopy, and if opted in by the publisher, scan and copy from certain digital material published in the USA.


Specific inclusions/exclusions:

  • Photocopying – certain US publishers are excluded and their works cannot be copied – please refer to the Excluded US Publishers list below.
  • Scanning / copying digital originals – to see which titles can be copied please use our Check Permissions tool.

Please note the following terms apply for US repertoire:

  • US repertoire included under your CLA licence for scanning from print and digital use is limited to titles in the US CCC Electronic-Rights Works repertoire.
  • Your CLA licence will only allow you to scan a US printed work if an electronic copy is not readily available from the publisher.

The full terms and conditions of the Education Licence can be viewed here.

List of excluded US Publishers: