Our education copyright solutions

CLA is recognised by the government as the collective licensing body for the reuse of text and images from books, journals, and magazines. Our copyright licence is required if any of your staff makes copies from any of the print or online publications that CLA represents. Read information on complying with copyright.

We operate blanket copying licences that enable education institution employees to access, reuse and share content from more than 16 million publications, from professional and trade magazines, through scientific and medical journals to technical reports, textbooks and revision guides, and websites – you name it, we can make it available to you.

We have and continue to develop digital tools to enable our licence holders to get more value from their CLA Licence, act responsibly, protect their organisation, support creatives and Copy, Right.

CLA education licences


Further Education

Higher Education

Department for Education logo
iaps logo
scottish government logo

How to check if the book, magazine or website you want to copy is covered

Checking if you can copy your favourite resource is easy! Type the title, author, ISBN/ISSN number, or URL of the publication into our Check Permissions search tool to get an instant result.

Supporting tools

CLA Check Permissions Tool
Check Permissions works for all, even if you don’t have a licence. Use it to check whether an article, book, or website is covered by the CLA licence.
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CLA Education Platform tool
For Schools and Further Education colleges.
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For Further and Higher Education institutions.
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Useful links


Check out the upcoming events by CLA.


Visit CLA's news and article section.


CLA training modules.

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What our clients say about us

This collaboration is highly beneficial to Local Authorities and schools as it simplifies and streamlines the licensing process, guaranteeing that schools achieve the best value for money. It also ensures that teachers and pupils have access not only to the most up-to-date print media, but also that this access will be the same for every pupil in Scotland.
Scotland’s Curriculum for Excellence seeks to develop successful learners who are enthusiastic, ambitious and resilient – ensuring that all pupils have access to resources is vital to achieving this aim.

Education Scotland logo
John Swinney
Deputy First Minister