Find out more about the Higher Education Licence and how it can protect and support your organisation
Any member of staff can copy under the Licence – but some HEIs do restrict the making of digital copies for course provision to certain members of staff. It depends how your HEI has decided to best manage its obligations under the Licence. If you are not sure, please contact your CLA Licence Co-ordinator or Copyright Advisor.
Our standard licence lets an institution copy an extract from a published work – e.g. a single chapter from a book, two articles from a magazine, or 10% of the total publication.
Second Extract Permissions Service offers institutions the option to buy permissions on a pay-as-you-go basis for an additional amount – a ‘second extract’ – e.g. another chapter, two articles, or 10%. Discover more about SEPS here. Additionally, where a journal issue (or a substantial part of it) is devoted to a particular theme, and the journal is not a CCC Electronic Rights-Work, you can copy any number of articles devoted to that particular theme.
Registered students and members of staff - and, if your institution is collaborating with another licensed HE institution on a research project, staff and postgraduate students of that institution (please see our separate guide for more information). Copies made for students in connection with a Course of Study are subject to specific conditions and reporting requirements.
You can copy up to the following amount for each course (or each individual purpose, such as a staff training event or meeting), whichever is the greater:
- 1 whole chapter from a book
- 2 whole articles from a magazine/journal issue (or any number of articles, see below)
- 1 whole scene from a play
- 1 whole paper from a set of conference proceedings
- 1 whole report of a single case from a volume of judicial proceedings
- 1 short story, poem or play (not exceeding 10 pages in length) from an anthology
The DCS is available to all HEIs with a CLA HE Licence at no extra cost. If you're interested in a product demo, or would like to get started, contact our team on