Existing licence holder enquires For customer service contact the appropriate adviser: Business and Public Sector customers Telephone: 020 7400 3171 Email: cs@cla.co.uk Education customers Telephone: 020 7400 3100 (options 1,1) Email: education.customers@cla.co.uk New licence enquires "*" indicates required fields Complete this form and our team will get back to you.Why are you contacting CLA?*Select from drop-downInterested in getting a CLA LicenceBeen contacted by CLAQuestion about copyrightOtherIf you're a copyright owner looking to licence your work with a Collective Management Organisation, or sell your copyright - you will find the required information on Gov.ukFirst Name*Last Name*Phone*Email*Organisation Name*Media Monitoring AgencyPR agencyTell us more about your enquiry*This field is hidden when viewing the formLead OwnerThis field is hidden when viewing the formSectorBusinessFurther EducationHigher EducationThis field is hidden when viewing the formStatusThis field is hidden when viewing the formRecord TypeThis field is hidden when viewing the formLead SourceThis field is hidden when viewing the formUtm CampaignThis field is hidden when viewing the formUtm MediumThis field is hidden when viewing the formUtm SourceCAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Rights holder & international licensing enquiries If you are an overseas RRO or rights holder or have a query about international licensing: James Bennett – Head of Rightsholder Relations Email: james.bennett@cla.co.uk Media enquiries Tim Cooper – Head of Marketing Telephone:  +44 (0)20 7400 3195 Email: pr@cla.co.uk General enquiries For general enquiries, please contact cla@cla.co.uk For Remittance Advice & statement enquiries, please send to: credit.control@cla.co.uk For Customer Service enquiries / Purchase Orders, please send to: cs@cla.co.uk Royalties data collection enquires If you have a question about a royalties data exercise taking place in your organisation: Government & businesses – Thomas Evans Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7400 3182 Email: royaltiesdatacollection@cla.co.uk Education – Andrzej Sowinski Telephone: + 44 (0)20 7400 3187 Email: royaltiesdatacollection@cla.co.uk CLA offices CLA London office and registered address Third Floor 6 Hays Lane London SE1 2HB Telephone: 020 7400 3100 Company No. 01690026 Registered in England & Wales CLA in Scotland for new licence enquiries 83 Princes Street Edinburgh EH2 2ER Telephone: 020 4512 0100 licence@cla.co.uk