Membership of CLA
For CMOs that represent copyright owners
To be included in the licensing scheme and receive royalties for copyright owners, CMOs will need to join and become members. We currently have 4 members; The Authors’ Licensing and Collecting Society (ALCS), Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS), PICSEL and The Design and Artists Copyright Society (DACS).
By joining, rights owners’ works will be included in our copying licences sold to businesses, education institutions and public sector organisations. These licences give licence holders the right to make copies of those works where they are published in books, journals, magazines and on certain websites. Royalties from licence fees are paid to the CMO, which distributes the money back to the copyright owners they represent.
We accept as members CMOs that represent any relevant classes of rights owners. CLA will open a window for any interested CMOs to apply for membership every January. For further information about joining please download the Membership Application Form or contact us.
Agency licensing services for CMOs and other rights organisations
We offer account management services for the education sector
With streamlined workflow systems and over 30 years of experience in our core markets, we’re uniquely positioned to help CMOs and other rights organisations to maximise the value of their rights and content.
We specialise in the education market so if you are a CMO you may be able to benefit from our comprehensive network of customers and contacts – from central and local government to negotiating bodies and educational institutions themselves.
We can offer a full-service agency solution across the education sector to sell your content, rights or licences to generate revenues, raise your profile, manage compliance and provide additional data.
With CLA as your outsourcing partner, you’ll be in a better position to meet any challenges and improve the service you can offer your rights owners while streamlining and simplifying licensing for content users.
More about our Account Management Service
CLA has a dedicated Education Account Management team that can support you in a range of business processes:
Sales – researching leads and securing new business in the education sector
Training – delivering successful outreach and training programmes
Customer Services – responsible for licence renewals, student data (collection and validation) for invoicing and day to day enquiries from licensees, ranging from the administration of licences to application of terms and conditions
Compliance – work to prevent illegal copying
Currently, we sell the following licences as agents:
- The Schools Licence for NLA media access
- The Education Establishment Licence for NLA media access
If you are interested in our licensing agency services please contact us to find out more.
Contact us